Request Mobile Credentials

Q: How do I request mobile pass credentials for my pool?

A: Please click HERE to request your mobile pass credentials.


Q : I submitted my request for a mobile pass.  What happens now? 

A:  After the Amenity Team completes your request, you will receive a confirmation email letting you know your request has been processed.  Expect an email invitation from by the end of the same business day (5:00 pm).

NOTE: invitations will expire after 24 hours.  If you received an email from the Amenity Team, but have not received your invitation by 5:00 pm that same day, please check your spam folder.


Please watch this short video that provides instructions on how to accept and use your new mobile credentialAccess Control: Use Mobile Credentials - YouTube

  1. Download and install the app to your device (Android or iOS). 
  2. Locate the invitation link sent to your email from your smartphone (not computer or laptop).
  3. Tap the invitation link.  It only needs to be accepted once.
  4. Each invitation link is only valid for 24 hours. 
  5. After accepting your invitation, you will see a mobile credential screen, or a “wallet menu”
  6. Ensure NFC or Bluetooth permissions are enabled. 
  7. Wait two minutes for processing to complete before using your mobile credential. 
  8. iOS devices: ensure the app is running in the background.  Android devices: not required to have the app running
  9. Hold phone to reader for about 3 seconds.
  10. Proceed through the door when card reader LED flashes.


Q: How do I pay for my pool credentials? 

A: Any charges will be billed to your HOA account.  Click HERE to pay for any applicable charges.  

NOTE:  Charges will not be reflected on your account until your request has been processed and finalized.